An Upgrade Is Coming

At some point during this week, once I’m sure none of my needed plugins will be broken, I will be upgrading to WordPress 2.5.  This is an apology in advance for when I screw it up…

It does certainly appear to have a number of new features and fixes (read about them here), and I’m excited for it.  However, in the past, while bug fix releases have always gone smoothly, full releases have always taken down some esoteric plugin I had built my site around causing me to have to redesign the whole damn thing.  I’m hoping that’s not going to happen this time.

Even if it does though, I’ll work through it.  WordPress has been the best blogging software I’ve come across, so unless someone just blows them out of the water with cool useful features, it is here to stay.


  1. Yep. That appears to be the one that is going to stop me this time around. If I find time later this week and the author doesn’t fix it, I’ll set up a demo site and try to fix it myself.

  2. Rob released Now Reading 4.4.2, which seems to have fixed the issues. Remember to re-save your Permalink settings as well. You might get 404 errors in your library until you do.

  3. I wound up having to set and unset the permalink settings about 6 times before I stopped getting 404’s. Weird, but its fixed and I’m now on 2.5.

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