Name This Blog

For a long time now I have been content with calling this place “” and leaving it at that.  But while I begin considering expanding my empire, I figured it was time to give this blog a name of its own.

In all likelihood, I will ignore every single suggestion made here… but I may not.

So, keeping in mind that I ultimately plan to spin the movie reviews (and perhaps the book reviews) off into their own corner of my domain, what name would you suggest for this blog?

If you want more info about me to go on, just ask questions and I’ll answer them as best as I can…


  1. I came back to suggest “Good Morning, Dave”, but that’s probably to movie for the main blog.

    bah, I’m not making much headway here.

  2. Heh…

    I’ve been killing myself trying to think of something and trying to keep it in line with the blog’s slogan of “emptying my brain onto the internet”. For a moment I considered “Core Dump” … but I’m unsure I want a blog with “Dump” in the title.

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