Not only is “Be Prepared” the Scout Motto, but it’s also a really good idea. Â Or to quote Nathan Muir from Spy Game:
When did Noah build the Ark? Â Before the flood.
When disaster strikes, it is too late to begin planning for disaster. Â So, obviously, the answer is to be prepared.

The CDC agrees, and last week they published Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse, which I have now permanently added as a link over the right hand side.  They aren’t the first to utilize an undead plague to illustrate proper planning.  A group called the Zombie Squad has been doing it for some time.  The main idea being, if you are prepared for zombies, you are prepared for anything.
While the CDC article and the materials provided by the Zombie Squad are good, the key element to disaster preparedness to understand is that you are not a priority for anyone else, and that includes the government. Â In the event of any disaster you should be able to survive on your own for at least 72 hours. Â That’s three days.
Let’s just say, for example, a hurricane comes tearing through your area. Â The first job of the government is not to rush in and rescue survivors. Â What would it do with them? Â No, the first job is to set up hospitals and aid stations so that survivors who can come to them can be taken care of. Â They will work on re-establishing communications and power, and only once they’ve gotten themselves firmly dug in will they begin ranging out to find stranded survivors. Â If they ran out and got people first they’d simply be dumping them all into an unprepared cluster without power, communications or medical treatment. Â Not to mention that if they rush in they could be putting themselves in great danger. Â They are “slow” for a reason, and that is because when they get to you, you will be saved, not just temporarily reprieved.
Even more than that, however, is that by being able to help yourself, you free up resources for people who cannot help themselves. Â If you have food, water and shelter for three or more days, then the rescuers can leave you alone and spend their time finding people who have been injured or are trapped or who didn’t plan ahead and have no food or water. Â By being prepared, not only are you helping yourself but you are indirectly helping others.
The best thing about being prepared is that it doesn’t cost very much. Â A few dollars and a little time will put you leagues ahead of those who don’t. Â You probably have many of the things you’ll need in your house already, and if you don’t a quick trip to Wal-Mart will solve that. Â Then you just need to pick rally points. Â Your home, just outside your home, miles away, states away. Â Make sure everyone knows where to go and how to reach each other. Â Just like that, you are better off than you were before.
It’s so easy that there is no excuse to not be prepared. Â If you aren’t, do it now. Â Do it within the next week. Â Pick a day and get it done. Â Because after the zombies come, it’ll be too late to prepare.