So, last weekend I didn’t post any doodles. Â The reason for that is I went to go see a movie at the theater (and actually pay!) and then spent most of the day running around shopping. Â In the previous week, my wife’s cell phone broke, and while we were discussing what we should do about it my cell phone broke. Â My wife could conceivably live without her cell phone, but I rely on mine so that I’m reachable for work stuff. Â We ended up at the local Best Buy, and they happened to be running a special on Palm Pre phones: $149. Â Well, we already happen to be Sprint customers and both of use are out of our contracts so we get the full sign up discount. Â We just couldn’t pass it up.
Love the phones. Â They are fantastic, especially for me. Â I’ve got it connected to my Google mail and calendar accounts as well as my work Exchange server, I can see both calendars at the same time but not sync them, so my work never knows about my personal appointments and I don’t have to clutter my personal calendar with work junk. Â Sure, the Pre is a little lite on applications thus far, but eventually that will change. Â Besides, while the iPhone has a million apps, most of them are crap anyways. Â Yeah, that’s a real application. Â But the Pre’s got the web, which gets to most things, and its got a Twitter app and a couple of movie time apps and other basics.
Anyway, this week I spent a little time messing around and making myself some wallpapers for the phone. Â I mean, I’m not 17, so pictures of hot chicks, which is what 99% of wallpapers for phones are, aren’t what I’m looking for, and besides, I like making my own stuff. Â Some of my experiments were complete crap, so I won’t post those, but I will post two that I am happy with. Â The first is a cut version of a previous doodle, the castle and the moon:

After doing that one, I spent a while messing around with Gimp and various brushes. Â So, while not a traditional freehand doodle, here is the best of the bunch, and the only one I felt worth sharing.

Clearly, I like black and white since I’ve been in more of a “sketchy” mood lately.  The whole thing was done with a city brush, a couple of mystic symbol brushes and some blood spatter and gunshots brushes.  Here it looks sort of bland, but I dig the way it looks on the phone where it takes over the screen with the icon bar overlay at the  bottom.
Anyhow, I’m sure to make some more wallpapers, and I’ll continue to share them.