For some reason, and I don’t know why, I keep thinking that you need level 30 in order to take up archaeology in Azeroth. Â But it’s level 20. Â So, basically, I needlessly scraped my way through 10 levels on daily quests, random non-violent tasks, and mining/herbalism when I could have been scouring the world for artifacts.
I feel like Indiana Jones. Â Not because of archaeology itself, which is quite possibly the worst designed trade skill/crafting ever put into an MMO. Â On my other characters, the ones who fight, archaeology is boring and stupid. Â You wander around in a zigzag path hitting the survey key until you get an artifact, which you then pick up. Â Repeat. Â On the rogue, however, it reminds me fondly of my days in EverQuest as a monk, feigning my way around zones, checking out cool stuff. Â Kaens has to carefully make his way though the dig sites and wait for just the right moment to perform a survey. Â Luckily, with sneak and vanish, I can avoid most of the dangerous creatures roaming the land.
While previously playing the rogue felt like a fun job, with archaeology in the mix is finally feels like an adventure. Â Now I just need a hat and a whip.
The single best part about archaeology is that I don’t have to interact with any NPCs at all except for when I need training. Â Otherwise, I just go to the places on my map and I am able to craft my own stories and my own adventures. Â This might be the most fun I’ve had playing an MMO in a long time.
Level 32 and surveying…