You might have noticed that the last couple of weeks have been filled with half-hearted posts and automated reposts of things I’ve tweeted. Â Sometimes I just can’t think of anything worth saying, and other times if I think of something worth saying I just can’t find the energy to say it.
Still, at other times, I have something I think is worth saying, but I’ve said it so many times before that I’m running out of new ways to say it without repeating myself. Â This has been pretty much the reason for my lack of posting lately.
When it comes to game design, I’ve pretty much said the same thing over and over for years now.  Games like World of Warcraft are fun, but they do not excite or engage me.  I want more story (and by that I mean more put into the world for me to discover and use in my story, not to be confused with clicking through a story someone else wrote – or worse, sitting and watching cut scenes of stories where I don’t even get to participate – in my view EverQuest had more story that most current games), and I want grouping, and I want less focus on levels and gear and racing to the “endgame”, and I want a slower pace that allows me time to interact with other players while playing as opposed to button mashing extravaganzas where I have to stop playing in order to talk to people.  And if a game needs to have voice chat it should be in the game, not a 3rd party tool (or ffs integrate some damn controls through your game’s UI so that I don’t have to alt-tab out to join chat with people).
At this point, my gaming talk will probably fizzle out and just be the random post now and again about a game I’m playing or something I’m doing (or if I win the lottery, the game I’m building), so I apologize in advance if the posts I do make don’t interest you. Â Since I’m no longer motivated to ramble on about game design, I’ve got to seek out other motivations…
More to come… I hope…
Heh, I found myself repeating things, oh… two years ago or so. Maybe that’s why lately it’s been more about the game I’ve designed (and am fine tuning) more than looking at things I’ve already written about.
Anywho, life goes on. Here’s hoping you have fun with it anyway!