I am excited for this new year. The job is going well, life is good, and everything is swinging upward. Awesome.
The best part however is that my birthday, being October 10th, will fall this year on 10/10/10. I don’t want to jinx it, but that is going to be a perfect day.
So, what sort of resolutions shall I make for the new year?
First, losing twenty pounds over the last year has been great, and I want to keep going. That said, the new year is going to bring an examining of my diet and a look at shaking up my exercise a little. I also want to run the Peachtree Road Race in July, so I have a goal. Lack of a goal is usually the hard part. I lost my last twenty because I wanted to be under 200 pounds, and since then I haven’t had much in the way of a solid goal.
Second, writing… One of the issues I have with writing is that it is almost impossible to do on my desktop PC. The location of my desktop is not inspiring, and the PC has too many distracting things installed on it. Luckily, I may have an opportunity to obtain a netbook, one of those little mini laptops, and that should help, allowing me to take my writing with me anywhere. We shall see… in any event, I want to spend a little more time writing, and to help with that I have vowed not to start watching any new TV shows. I refuse to get sucked in to shows that get canceled or wind up being mediocre. Instead, I will only watch shows I am already invested in and new shows I’ll see on DVD or streaming courtesy of Netflix.
Third, programming… I am still, occasionally, working on my little games and my one business idea (see progress meters on the right). I hope to be able to finish something in 2010. I think I will try to work on finishing one of the smaller games and get it posted just to see if I can. It is going to be lame, and for that I apologize in advance, but finishing something is an important step I need to take.
Fourth, the house… yeah, um, I might clean up the yard or something when the weather gets warmer, and there are a few trees I need to take down. But let’s not get our hopes up…
Not a resolution, but this year will also be my first participating as staff for the MMO Track at Dragon*Con. I’ve reached a point with the con that most of the panels are retreads of panels I’ve already seen. This isn’t a bad thing, as newcomers will find those panels to be as exciting as I did when I was a newcomer. But it means that the last couple of years I’ve been bored in some of them and more willing to skip them altogether when given the chance. In fact, I pretty much only go to the MMO and Writing tracks with the occasional special event. So I decided since I was spending so much time down in the MMO rooms, why not volunteer and help out? I did, and I am. Should be a lot of work and a lot of fun.
Anyway… welcome to 2010…
A suggestion that I read from more than one place was to limit the amount of time you allow yourself to write in a day. The idea being that if you’re under a deadline, you’re more apt to focus on the task and get more done.
YMMV and all that, but it might be worth a try.
I’ve heard that as well, and it is what I plan to try. My problem in the past has always been making that time to write.