A Week of Tweets on 2010-11-21

  • Went to McD's, ordered an Angus Bacon & Cheese. It came out with neither bacon nor cheese. Guy was upset he had to remake it. #
  • @Krystalle They have one simple goal: to own your entire social graph. in reply to Krystalle #
  • The downside to living longer is retiring later. It's not mean, it's just math. #
  • Oh dear… Human Centipede is available on Netflix Streaming. I don't want to watch it… but I probably will. #
  • It's surprisingly hard to write a mission statement without sounding like a pretentious douche. #
  • @etcet Well, yes. But since our business is neither in chewing bubblegum or kicking ass, I can't use that one. in reply to etcet #
  • @etcet "We're here to design web sites and kick ass. And we're all out of web sites…" in reply to etcet #
  • I think I'm going to change my name. Jason is just so boring. I'm thinking of going with Ja$on. #
  • @angelaadams Mostly they don't, because they are used to the smell. in reply to angelaadams #
  • Today, I am building a spam machine. I mean, an automated newsletter. #
  • Preparing Secret Santa gift for its long journey through the postal system… #

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