Because I know my readers are so very interested in everything I do…
I’m a writer for Shakefire, and in the last couple of months here is what I’ve written:
- Bombay Beach : An odd documentary about people living at the Salton Sea
- Brandon McHose – Late Night : A 4 song EP
- Dirty Girl : An enjoyable little movie about a promiscuous girl and her gay friend who go on a road trip to find her father
- Kurt Travis – Wha Happen? : A very short 6 song album
- Chalet Girl : Fun family/chick flick from the UK that would easily be at home on ABC Family
- Resurrect Dead: The Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles : I wish this documentary had more conclusions
- El Monstro del Mar! : A terrible film made better by watching it with friends
- Hadwynn – Monuments : A decent album with religious overtones that I didn’t mind too much
I kinda suck as reviewing music. I like reviewing movies more, and hopefully in the future I’ll be given more movies and less music.
Anyway, in the future I plan to post one of these round ups once a month or so, when I remember to do it.